Rom-Control are an Australian and New Zealand reseller of the Solexy IECEx certified hazardous area networking products. In 2003, Solexy developed and produced the first wireless industrial products on the market. They originally specialised in limit switches but eventually developed and sold other sensors as well.
To enable this technology to be used in our typical markets of refineries, chemical plants and up-stream processes, Rom-Control’s electrical engineers realised the need to include products that would allow use of this wireless technology in classified areas. The Solexy flameproof intrinsically safe barriers for radios allowed transmission of RF signals into classified “Hazardous Areas”.
Expanding on the need for this technology in industrial environments, we have included a line of industrial antennas that meets the demanding requirements and hostility of the process environment. Upon realising the demand to protect other signals, we also have a solution with Ethernet transmission capabilities. It is now possible to transmit Ethernet signals from explosion proof enclosures or purge panel systems into a hazardous area with the use of our Ethernet barrier, without the cost of additional sealing devices, area rated conduit systems or costly “active” intrinsically safe barriers.
If you have a requirement to provide connectivity in your designated Hazardous are, contact Rom-Control immediately for a quote and get back up and running faster.