Rom-Control is committed to the health and safety of both our customers and staff in...
Click HERE for information and registration for Rom-Control's free breakfast presentation (light breakfast included) that...
Rom –Control wish to assist rural industry affected by bushfires to be up and running...
Rom-Control's product development and manufacturing is another of our strengths as shown by our purpose...
Rom-Control is a proud Partner of Honeywell and we represent the Connected Plant Solution, a suite...
The Rom-Control Group will be showcasing our products and services at the WA Mining conference....
Honeywell and Rom-Control have Partnered to provide our clients with world class software solutions. As...
Several manufacturers of remote controls for cranes installed in classified areas use radio controls to...
At ROM-Control, we are committed to achieving customer satisfaction by providing the quickest and most...
ROM-CONTROL PTY. LTD. has been part of the Australasian business landscape for a decade now,...
Atlanta, Ga. (2016) – Aegex Technologies has appointed Rom-Control Pty Ltd in Australia as a dealer for its...
Christmas is almost around the corner and many of our clients will be thinking and...